Citrix workspace app cannot connect to the server.Citrix Workspace app fails with "cannot connect to the server" when connected externally
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Citrix workspace app cannot connect to the serverCitrix Workspace "Cannot connect to Server".1 answer to this question
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Ankur Mittal Ankur Mittal Enthusiast 20 Citrix Employees 24 posts. Posted November 23, What is the receiver version you are using? With this change, setting the primary store account to a different store name remains even after exiting and restarting Citrix Workspace app. We recommend that users exit their stores rather than log off from their stores.
If users log off from stores using webview authentication, they might be prompted for authentication again because Internet Explorer cookies are cleared in such scenarios. By default, the fix is enabled cookies are stored. If you disable the fix, the cookies are not stored and are cleared during logoff.
On Azure Active Directory AD joined devices, when Citrix Workspace app attempts to access a store and then passes through endpoint logon credentials, users might not be authorized to log on. Also, there is no option to log on with a different user account. In certain scenarios, Citrix product license usage shown in Citrix Studio does not match license usage shown in the Citrix License Manager. With the vPrefer option enabled, App-V applications might start on a remote server rather than on a local server.
When you launch a published desktop through a native Citrix Workspace app for Windows, the native Citrix Workspace app automatically runs in the foreground within the desktop. The issue occurs when the Local App Access feature is enabled. The Selfservice. The issue occurs when you attempt to log off from a system running Windows 10 Version You configure Citrix Workspace app for Windows to connect to all store accounts when establishing a session.
If you log off from Citrix Workspace app and log back on, the store account setting changes to one store account rather than defaulting to all accounts. With the bidirectional content redirection policy enabled, attempts to redirect a URL from a client to a VDA might fail.
In scenarios where proxy servers do not use port , Citrix Workspace app might fail to connect to published applications and desktops. The issue occurs because Citrix Workspace app for Windows might fail to use the proxy port and use the default port instead. Citrix Workspace app for Windows might ignore proxy type settings. The issue occurs with non-English versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
When the EnableFactoryReset registry setting is set to False , attempts to uninstall Citrix Workspace app might fail with this error message:. With Microsoft Teams in optimized mode, when you join a conference call, audio might become distorted. With the EchoCancellation policy enabled and audio quality set to medium, the wfica The issue occurs when an offending file is present somewhere in the executable folder path.
When you attempt to update Citrix Workspace app from Version to Version CU1 or , the update feature of Citrix Workspace app might not work on non-English language operating systems. With the registry editing tool disabled, registry keys from the previous installation might not be preserved after you perform an upgrade. As a result, attempts to launch a desktop fail. Citrix Workspace app might display a script error on versions earlier than and a blank page on versions and later. In a double-hop scenario, attempts to launch an application using the shortcut in the Start menu might fail.
The issue occurs if you enable the one-instance-per-user application limit. When you log on to a Store through Citrix Workspace app Version or later, applications might fail to enumerate. Attempts to use the SelfService. When you use an HP Active stylus pen to write on a published application, the write functionality might experience three to four seconds of delay. Attempts to launch a session might fail after you do a fresh installation of Citrix Workspace app for Windows or upgrade an existing installation to the latest.
The session launch is stuck on the Preparing your desktop screen. After you upgrade Citrix Workspace app to Version CU1 from Version , application enumeration might be slow, taking about 10 minutes to complete.
The issue occurs when you perform the following steps:. The issue occurs because the upgrade or installation causes Citrix display adapters to be removed. The RTME fails to upgrade to the latest version. If you add two stores to Citrix Workspace app for Windows using two different accounts, the Sign-in button might not work for the secondary store after you remove the primary store. When multifactor authentication is enabled and Windows Security dialog is used to login, the Active Directory Federation Services ADFS dialog does not appear when authenticating to stores.
But, when the server session attempts to reconnect, the VDA is stuck on a white screen that displays the message connected to desktop. The desktop never appears. In a multi-monitor environment, attempts to maximize a user session might fail. The issue occurs when you redock your laptop. In a double-hop scenario, the Citrix HDX Engine might exit unexpectedly when you attempt to launch a session. With the vPrefer option enabled in Citrix Workspace app, attempts to launch an App-V application might fail with the following error message:.
After adding published applications to your Favorites , you can open only one application. This issue can cause a connection failure. The wfica The issue occurs with Version With Local App Access enabled, a session might become unresponsive, displaying the following error message:. If you attempt to install Citrix Workspace app without configuring self-service mode, an exception might occur.
The issue occurs when you open the Shortcuts and Reconnect menu from the Advanced Preferences sheet. The issue occurs with Citrix Workspace app versions through In double-hop scenarios where VDAs for multi-session OS are running in the first hop and published applications are running in the second hop, the Refresh Apps option in the Citrix Workspace app account menu might fail to work. The issue occurs when the URL contains a port number.
You can see two Citrix Workspace app icons in the system tray. The issue occurs with Workspace app Version When you use single sign-on in a VDA environment, a splash screen might appear. The issue occurs when you upgrade Citrix Workspace app for Windows to version or later. If you are a customer currently on Citrix Receiver 4. This release contains all fixes included in Citrix Receiver for Windows 4. The development, release and timing of any features or functionality described in the Preview documentation remains at our sole discretion and are subject to change without notice or consultation.
The documentation is for informational purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality and should not be relied upon in making Citrix product purchase decisions. Citrix Workspace app for Windows. View PDF. This content has been machine translated dynamically.
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